Hello, it's so nice to virtually meet you!

I'm Lindsee, affectionately known to my family by Lindsee Lou, Lou Lou, or, you guessed it, Lou Lou Belle. And who am I, you ask?

I'm so glad you found your way to my digital home!

I'm a natural light portrait photographer, specializing in your key moments in life: engagement, maternity, family, and senior portraits. I'd like to spend a good paragraph telling you all about my passion for photography, but doesn't that show through my photos? I sure hope it does, because I really, really do love it!

But let's be real. In all reality, I'm just a really tall goofball who loves the Lord, loves her family, and loves big laughs. I'm a wife to a husband who can't sit still and only wants adrenaline-pumping careers. He's my protector and my true love. I'm a boy-mom to two hyper but sweet young men who are wonderful but keep us on our toes (as most kids do!) I'm mildly OCD in the sense that everything has to be in it's place, so I'm a frequent tidier. My house is covered in shades of aqua and Tiffany Blue, and although I'm a bit of a neat freak, I'm trying to embrace the stage of life where dirty fingerprints decorate the walls and toys are constantly spread all over.

Life is beautiful, life is chaotic, life is a whirlwind...but it's also a blessing! And I'm eternally grateful for the one I've been given. I sure hope I have the pleasure of meeting you one day so I can capture your life's moments for you...the beautiful, the chaotic, and everything in between.

A List Of My Loves

A few of my favorite things

my handsome hubby
my two gorgeous boys
🌈🐾 my angel: my fur-baby girl
graphic design
macaroni & cheese
🎥 Hocus Pocus, Jaws, The Goonies
aimless Target shopping sprees
decorating for holidays
all things Tiffany Blue
sweater weather